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MESH is a new payment system that focuses on sellers throughout emerging markets, allowing companies like PurKratom to reach a global audience. It provides instant, secure, and convenient payments, and it has already been adopted by numerous brands, including Visa. In addition to providing a safe, cardless alternative to typical corporate card set-ups, MESH also simplifies transactions, whether they are recurring or one-time payments.<\/p>\n
MESH works as a digital, reloadable prepaid debit card. All users must first create a MESH account and fund it before making a purchase. The account is held by an FDIC insured U.S. bank. This is why we may need to collect more information before your first transaction, but this is also why your information is much more secure with MESH than it is with other payment methods.<\/p>\n
MESH never shares your personal information with anyone other than the bank where your MESH account is registered. A MESH account does not affect your credit score and your activity is never shared with credit reporting agencies. MESH confirms every transaction with 2-step authentication via your mobile phone, so you are always safe from unauthorized use.<\/p>\n